Tanner got his cast off!!! We went to the doctor Monday and they cut his cast off and did some x-rays. The doctor said his ankle was healing well but the fracture did go into the growth plate so we have to go back in 4 months for more x-rays to make sure everything is still healing properly. I thought Tanner would be so happy to get rid of the cast but I don't think he has even realized it yet. I guess he is used to crawling and standing with it that he doesn't understand he has use of his leg again. He is still crawling with that leg off the ground and isn't really putting weight on his foot. Hopefully he will figure it out soon! He has started trying to climb things this week. This is making me a nervous wreck! The little daredevil can't even walk yet and is already climbing on tables. Hopefully we can make it through this without breaking anything else. Here are a few pictures of Tanner minus his cast.

Practicing walking
Going down the slide like a big boy (with the help of mommy of course)

And the climbing begins...

Going after anything of big brothers'

And another riding toy for Hayes to push Tanner on

And in other big news, at almost 10 months Tanner finally has a tooth coming in!
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