My baby is growing up! Tanner started crawling within the last 2 weeks and tonight when I went to check on him he was standing in his bed leaning over the crib! I almost had a heart attack. I brought him into the den to play for a little longer and sure enough he is crawling to the furniture and then pulling up. He isn't really interested in crawling--just standing. That makes me really nervous that walking is coming soon. What happened to my baby? Seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. I can't think about it too much or I will cry! Here are a few pics of the little stinker practicing his moves tonight. I hope to get a video tomorrow to post.
Working on standing up...

And success! (He looks pretty proud of himself doesn't he?)

Here are a few more pics from today and tonight
Someone looks like they are up to no good...

Who me? I didn't change the channel, I promise daddy!

On the move

This is my shampoo Tanner

Please don't make me share with him daddy!

Okay I will let you have it...

He's eating the shampoo daddy! I told you I shouldn't have shared with him.