I knew the moment Hayes was born that my life was forever changed. I loved him instantly but had no idea that I would love him more every day. I could not imagine how deeply and completely I could love another person. It does not seem possible that I could love him more than I do today but I feel that way every day and then the next day comes and somehow my love for him grows. These two years have gone by so fast. I am sad that he is growing up so fast yet excited to see how he changes. I just love watching his personality grow.
Hayes had a great birthday party at the park yesterday even though it was freezing. Today was spent playing with all his new toys. He loves everything! Tonight I put Tanner to bed early and Hayes and I snuggled on the couch and watched Madagascar and ate popcorn. Does it get any better than that? Here are some pics from his party.
Hayes' cute train cake
Hayes and his buddies Allie, Jackson and Logan
Kenlee and Tanner taking a wagon ride courtesy of MiGi
Checking out his bop bag from B
Sweet Allie helping Hayes open his presents
Hayes and Kenlee checking out his new barn
Tanner loved the party too!
The party started off with problem after problem. First we couldn't reserve a park and then we decided on one and when we got there to decorate, all the pavillions were full. We had to move the party to another park and finally got everything set up. It was freezing and windy but our sweet friends and family braved the weather to help Hayes celebrate. We missed Aunt Allison and Uncle Brad but we know they were thinking of Hayes. We especially missed Papa. I miss my dad every day but it is days like this that hurt the most. I would give anything if he could have been here to see Hayes turn 2. He loved Hayes and Tanner so much and I know he would have been proud of them. I will do my best to make sure they both know how wonderful he was and how much he loved them. We missed all our family and friends that couldn't be there but Hayes had a wonderful party. The kids played and snacked and we all tried to stay warm. It was a great day and Hayes got lots of new toys to play with!
We also went to the Grand Ole' Pumpkin Patch in Clanton this past weekend. It was even colder on Saturday but we still had fun. MiGi ended up sitting with Tanner in the car while we picked our pumpkins and visited the petting zoo. Here are a few pictures from our day.
Tanner checking everything out
Hayes and Mommy looking for the helicopter
Hayes and the llama
Daddy found his pumpkin!
Hayes wanted all the pumpkins!
Trying to play soccer with his pumpkin
He couldn't decide
Hayes and Daddy on the hayride
He isn't so sure about those ghosts!
The day started out rocky with a temper tantrum but we ended up having a great time! Joey and I are going to carve pumpkins for the first time so stay tuned for those pictures. Should be interesting!