Ok, actually Hayes turned 2 almost a month ago and Tanner is really almost 10 months but we switched pediatricians so they just had check-ups today. Hayes weighs 32 lbs 7 oz (91%) and is 36 1/2 inches long (92%). Little Tanner is 19 lbs 6 oz (29%) and is 28 1/2 inches long (50%). They are both doing great! We had Hayes' 2 year and Tanner's 9 month pictures made at Botanical Gardens a few weeks ago. It was quite a chore to get Hayes to pose and smile. We bribed him with goldfish, sang and danced. I know the other people there thought we were crazy but it was worth it. We had several that turned out well. Here are some of my favorites.
Welcome to our blog! My name is Whitney and I have been happily married to Joey for almost 6 years. Hayes Thomas Paganelli was born October 19, 2007. Tanner Michael Paganelli was born almost 15 months later on January 15, 2009. Our boys are the loves of our life and bring us so much joy. They are so wild and full of energy. We could be entertained by them all day long. We also have 3 pugs; Quan, Miss Tootie and Rambo. Our house is a madhouse and there is always something crazy going on. We started this blog so our family and friends can watch the boys grow and get a peek into our world. We hope you enjoy!
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