Okay so this is actually way late since we found out the news about 6 weeks ago but...we are having 2 GIRLS! I went in for a regular ultrasound (without Joey) and the tech told me she could tell the gender. I asked her to write down the gender for Baby A and Baby B and put them in seperate envelopes and seal them. I took the boys and went straight to meet Joey for lunch and we each opened one. We were both completely shocked when both of our envelopes said girls! I think we just expected them to be boys since that is all we know. We are very excited about having girls and just a little nervous. I am having so much fun shopping for girl stuff. We have picked out names but I am not going to put them on here because some of our family want to be surprised and not find out until their birth. Here are a few pictures of our girls and one of my huge belly!

I know this picture looks like I am 36 weeks pregnant but I promise this is just at 19 weeks!
Whitney, you look GREAT! I am DYING to know those names! You need to message me on FB so I can know! I PROMISE to not tell :) HA!