Tanner went for his 1 year check-up and was 20 lbs 9 oz (19%) and was 29 1/2 inches long (40%). It is crazy how different our two boys are. Hayes weighed more than that at 6 months! They are each just the right size though :) We are trying to get some weight on Tanner which is proving to be difficult. He is now on rice milk since he is allergic to milk and so far is not really interested in anything I give him to eat. He throws most things on the floor. He had a really bad allergic reaction a couple of weeks ago, although we don't know what is was a reaction to. He woke up one Saturday morning broken out in a really bad rash and his eyelids were swollen. It started on his face but by the time we got him to the doctor it was all over his body. Poor baby!
We went back to the allergist but there is no way for them to figure out what it was so we will just keep a close eye on him and hope it doesn't happen again!
We also took Hayes to the circus for the first time. B gave us VIP tickets for Christmas. We were so excited but weren't quite sure how Hayes would do. We invited Anne to come along and we all had a blast! Hayes loved the elephants and tigers and especially the motorcycles and clowns. He is still talking about it. Here are a few pictures from our night under the big top.
Hayes got to sit on a motorcycle before the circus started. He loved it and did it 3 more times and didn't want to get off!
Here Hayes is trying to call the elephants with his wonderful elephant imitation and his light stick that Anne got him
Waving to the clowns
One of the many pictures I took of the elephants
Thanks B for the great seats! We had a blast!
We had a big change in our house recently. We are now pug-free. It was a very hard decision to get rid of our sweet babies but ultimately we decided it was best for us and them. Quan went to a wonderful foster home and seems to love it there. He is sleeping in the big bed with the couple that is fostering him and their 3 other dogs. Tootie and Rambo went together to a foster home that have 3 other pugs and we also got a report that they are happy and love playing with the other pugs there. We just hope they get adopted by a great family and have a happy forever home. Here are some pics of them before they left.
Rambo and Miss Tootie
We really miss them but we know it was the right decision. Luckily the boys are too young to really understand or ask any questions.
Hayes has really been into finger painting lately. I think he just loves to get dirty! He also likes to get the crayons out but he just wants me to color and draw pictures of what he tells me. He is a little bossy! Here he is fingerpainting last week.
Getting ready to start his masterpiece
All done!
One of the many finished products
We are getting ready for Valentine's Day. Hayes had a party at school today but I will save those pictures for the next post. I think I have done enough for this one!
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