I really wanted us to do something fun today for Labor Day. We couldn't really think of anything to do and before we knew it, half the day was gone. We finally decided to go to the park after naptime and then have a picnic dinner there. Since these were last minute plans, we didn't have anything to pack for our picnic so the plan was for Joey to leave us at the park and run pick up something. Hayes had a blast playing on the playground and then we found our picnic spot and spread out our blanket. Joey ran to Zaxby's for some chicken. While he was gone Hayes got in an antbed and was covered in antbites. Joey called shortly after that and said Zaxby's was closed so we decided to pack it in and come home. After the heat and the ants we were all done. Tanner was the only one who actually got to eat anything at the park but oh well! We had fun anyway and took plenty of pictures as usual. Here are a few of the boys playing.
Tanner watching brother play

Hayes loves to climb, by himself of course!

Made it!


And playing...

Hanging out with mommy and watching Hayes play

More climbing...

Sweet Baby T relaxing on the picnic blanket

At least someone got to eat!

Goodbye Summer! We'll miss you but we are ready for cooler weather!
Poor Hayes! I hope he is better today!!