The weather was wonderful on Saturday so we decided to take the boys to the park. Normally Hayes likes to run around there but isn't really interested in the playground. Saturday he loved it! He played on the playground for little kids first and then moved on to the one for big kids. He wanted to do everything the other kids were doing. He went down all the slides, climbed the ladder and slid down the pole, hung on the monkey bars, climbed through the tunnels and even climbed the rock wall! Tanner also had fun and got to swing and go down some of the slides with the help of mommy. Unfortunately my camera messed up and most of the pictures didn't come out. Here are a few...
Tanner loved watching his big brother play!

Monkey on the bars

Trying out all the slides...

It was a great day and the cooler weather was fantastic. Sunday morning the boys woke up early and watched cartoons together. Watching them sit side by side and watch tv melted my heart. They love to play together. I am trying to cherish this time before the fighting starts!

So cute together! We have some toys for Tanner!