Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4 months in a nutshell

I am so behind on our blog. I like to think it is because I don't have time but I seem to have plenty of time to stalk facebook for good deals on clothes for the girls so that obviously isn't the problem :) I am going to try and catch up here instead of spend money! The last post I made was when the girls were 4 months old and now they are over 8 months so lots has happened. They are getting so big and full of personality. They are just so much fun. Delaney got her first 2 teeth a few weeks ago and is pulling up on everything. Baby sister Hadley still doesn't have any teeth and is quite content to just sit and play. She is not interested in crawling or pulling up which is just fine with me! I think Delaney is going to give me a heart attack. She pushes poor Hadley over and pulls her hair and gets on top of her. And she squeals the whole time. She is rotten! We put a pool in the backyard (yes I know it is redneck but we had to do something to beat the heat) and the boys are having a great time swimming. Hayes can go under and get his dive sticks and is actually swimming now. I am so proud of him! Tanner doesn't quite share his love for the water but he will jump off the ladder if I catch him and just likes to walk around the pool with his cars. Hadley also loves the water and loves to be in her float splashing around. Delaney isn't quite as sure about it but she likes to play if I hold her. I am going to try to do much better with the blog after today. So here is a condensed version of the last 4 months in pictures:

My beautiful children on Easter

My little Easter bunnies

7 months old!

Terrorizing her little sister, as usual

My 3 favorite boys

My girls and I before church

A tub full!

Ready to go swimming!

My little fish...

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