Monday, August 31, 2009

A Little of Everything

This post is full of random things and pictures. Hayes and I started the summer taking Aquababies at the YMCA. It is a parent/child swim class. Little did I know that Hayes would have no fear of the water and begin jumping off the side of the pool and trying to swim long before we started these classes. Unfortunately he couldn't figure out how to kick and move his arms so he would just float until someone grabbed him and pulled him up. It became difficult for me to take both boys to the pool by myself so we quickly switched over to private swim lessons in hopes Miss Christina could teach him how to at least swim to the side of the pool and hang on. He wasn't sure about being in the pool with someone besides mommy or daddy at first but he adjusted quickly. He had several great lessons but of course I didn't have my camera at any of them. Joey took him to the last 2 lessons. I started working part time at Old Navy on weekends and some nights during the week so I wasn't able to go to the last ones. Hayes is still adjusting to my not being here all the time so he didn't do so well at the last lesson. Joey knew how bad I wanted pictures though so he took some anyway. Apparently Hayes cried the whole time and wouldn't really do anything Miss Christina wanted him to do. Oh well! I think we are done with the pool for this year anyway!

I am antsy for fall and cooler weather so I put Tanner in jeans for the first time yesterday. I thought he looked so cute that of course I took lots of pictures. Here are a few. By the way, for any of you that haven't seen Tanner lately he is now a porcupine. His hair is only growing right on top of his crown and it sticks straight up. It is so funny! You can really tell in these pictures.

Hayes wanted me to read him a book tonight while I was cooking dinner. I asked him to go read it to Tanner until I could sit down with him. He went right to Tanner and tried to show him the pictures. It was so cute! See for yourself...

We all played outside after dinner tonight. Hayes hit golf balls with daddy most of time while Tanner enjoyed the swing. MiGi and Papa gave this swing set to Hayes for his 1st birthday. Papa and Joey worked very hard to put it together for him. He has really enjoyed it. Now Tanner gets to enjoy it too. I sure wish Papa could have seen both of them playing on it. I know he would have loved it!

Hayes' favorite thing to do right now is play with his blocks. He loves to build towers and then knock them down. He is very serious about building and wants them in certain places. He is very bossy if he needs your help! He and daddy built a few towers tonight before bed.

That's all for now. I will be back after football this weekend. War Eagle!!!